Saturday, March 26, 2022

  I am loving the time change.  I do not care if we lost an hour- we gained an hour of daylight and walked one step further away from our vampiric existence. 

  We have almost overstayed our free rent trial here at my Aunts, and the market shows no signs of slowing down.   Trusting in God is definitely something I have not mastered.  

 I dream of a little house with a wrap-around-front porch- or just a front porch, my oldest having his own room, (finally at 18), flat land around the immediate property with some woods in the back, an already-made chicken coop, and workshops or barns for my husband's equipment. 

 I dream of our marriage being healed.  I dream of peace.  

"Delight in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart."   This verse is so true, in that, we often have desires that differ from God's plans, and when He is our priority, our desires tend to be fulfilled.