If you also have a student that will graduate late because of late development-
I wonder, how will you cram it all in? And, what if you have a learner that
can't cram?? Well, it seems these are the subjects we have to squeeze into
another year (yes, summer school will have to happen)
Algebra II Geometry
Statistics Spanish English lit (and finishing up classics like: (A work by
Dickens, Uncle Tom's Cabin, and one more apologetic book) US Government Totally
doable, I guess. At this juncture, however, it seems totally overwhelming. So,
here is what we are doing this year :
History: younger kids:
Story of the World, Child's History of the World, History Pockets
Language arts:
Older kids: Sonlight, Story of the World younger kids:
First Language Lessons Highschool: Some Easy Peasy English Lit,
Introduction to Poetry
Writing: Younger kids:
Writing With Ease
Older: Narration, Dictation and Copywork given through Sonlight and Story of the
Math: Everyone (Shocker) Math U See
Thank you to the homeschool mom who said pick a math and STICK WITH IT
Everyone: Sonlight
Biology (A sonlight book)
Apologia, Human Anatomy
Big Fat Book of Science (co-op class)
Sonlight: intro to Biology, Chemistry, and Physics
With our electives of: Spanish (Duo-Lingo and class with our neighbor), Fallacy
Detective for Logic, Total Health (Apologia), Economics (Whatever Happened to
Penny Candy), Typing (Typing Club) With a little Easy Peasy Language arts thrown
in... My favorite thing this year is again going through Story of the World and
a Child's History of the World and doing History Pockets with my younger kids.
By far, my favorite time of homeschooling is when we go through Story of the World and History Pockets. How I regret not buying the student workbook pages to go with Story of the World the last time I did this history with my older kids. I love the corresponding literature suggestions. I love learning Geography through history. I love the reiteration through narration and dictation. I love it all.
History Pockets was such an added treasure. All the projects your kids can do; Mesopotamian puppets, making a popup ziggurat- I wish I had learned this way as a kid.